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I'm still sad this never got funded.  This is an awesome demo and it should have gotten more attention.

Hey! Just thought I'd leave a comment since I featured this as a bonus game in my latest list. I'm a fan of everything from the visuals to the music, humor, and controls. It's totally polished, has a lot of momentum to it, and is just quirky and fun! I'd love to see a little more diversity in some of the levels since I think the game shines most when you have to switch weapons, unlock lifts, and fight different enemies quickly back to back. It makes it feel more hectic in a good way. Overall, congrats and good luck with getting support for the full game!


Nicely-polished build, and some great graphics. I want to heal ALL the space whales! :) 

thank you!


Keep up the good work bud, overall this is an amazing game!

Art: 9

Gameplay: 8.5

Leads to a score of 87.5%.

hey thats pretty good! thank you :)



thank you for playing!

Dude thanks a lot! enjoyed watching you play!! spread the good word <3

Me and my little sister play bad ice cream 3on hudgames EVERY DAY. its AWESOME. We are on level 14 and cant pass it yet! :(

Not sure if your on the right page but this sounds PRECIOUS XD

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Thanks for playing!!


Amazing game dev had so much fun playing it :) i hope you enjoy my gameplay 

Loved the Video! thank you <3

Thank you so much ,i'm glad you liked it :) .

thank you for playing!


This looks great so far but I had some issues capturing it properly because the resolution is all over the place and it doesn't retain my selection. Not sure how easy it is to fix that but the gameplay itself is fantastic so far. Keep up the good work!

Thank you :)